Since 1988, with your help and grant money from the Michigan DNR we have generated
in excess of $450,000 for fish and wildlife projects in Iron County.
Initiated Iron County turkey relocation trap and transfer
Provide feed, feeders and labor to feed Iron County turkeys
Provide the MDNR Wildlife Division the annual Iron County turkey inventory
Purchased no-till seeders, trailers and sprayers for planting wildlife food plots, QDMA
Held Food Plot Planting Demonstration Field Day for area landowners, QDMA
Held disadvantaged youth hunt on WUIC food plots, QDMA
Developed Iron Co. Hunters Feeding a Hungry Neighbor Project, QDMA
Trout habitat restoration on over 120 miles of streams
Trout habitat improvements: skybooms, sand traps, brush bundle reefs
Barrier free fishing pier at Fortune Pit Trout Pond
School nest box program
Increased walleye fingerling production
Hunter Safety programs
Wildlife rehabilitation (Louis Bonno`s Animal Hospital)
Crib Reefs on Swan, Ice, Indian, Stanley, Haggerman, Fortune Lakes
Donated funds assisting in bald eagle banding
Forage fish restoration on several lakes
Assisted 4H loon nesting platforms and wood duck boxes
Assisted West Iron County School youth fishing program
Assisted Forest Park environmental and mammal tracking program
Provided wildlife related audio visual aids to local museum
Wolf monitoring and live trapping
Hunter walking trails
Sponsored Osprey nesting platforms
Grouse and Woodcock habitat improvement
Purchased Buck Wilder Books for Forest Park Elementary School
Outdoor Walking Trail Project at Covenant Point Camp
Funded Environmental Field Trip for Forest Park Elementary School
Funded Mammal Tracking Program, Forest Park School
Funded Turkey Hunting Seminar
Funded Liming of Forest Lake
Funded Forest Park 2nd Grade Goes Wild Outdoor Program
Purchased Hunter Safety Equipment Trailer
Funded Girl Scout Outdoor Fun Day
Funded Forest Park Agents Of The Earth Outdoor Education
Funded Forage Fish for Walleye Rearing Pond
Assisted Becoming An Outdoor Woman
Camp Gibbs Handicap Access Toilet
Purchased GPS for Local Hunters Safety Class
Provided Funding For a North Chicaugon Lake Access Site
Provided Funding For Additional Firearms For Hunters Safety
Provided Funding For Additional Firearms For Camp Gibbs Youth Skeet Program
Purchased Pickup Truck for Camp Batawagama Youth Camp
Funded Iron County 4H Sharp Shooters Range & Program
Purchased Van for Camp Batawagama
Funded Hiawatha Gun Club Youth Trap Shooting Program
Purchased Indoor Outdoor Target for the Ojibwa Archers
Funded Improvements To The Alpha Gun And Pistol Range